Shipping Policy
What is Same Day Shipping?
- Same Day Shipping means that your order will ship out the same business day you place it, as long as you place it before 2:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.
- Same Day Shipping only applies to some items. We have warehouse parents throughout the country and some will not ship same day.
- Certain exceptions may apply.
- Certain items ship via either United Parcel Services (UPS), United States Parcel Service (USPS), or Federal Express (FedEx) shipping methods. This depends on where the item is shipped from, whether the item has a "Free Shipping" promotion, or the type of shipping you select during your checkout process.
- We typically use USPS to ship most items with "Free Shipping." Insurance is not included with your order and we are not responsible for any lost packages during transit. Your order will not be replaced or credited if this transpires. To choose a different shipping carrier or provider other than USPS, please contact us and we can place a custom order and ensure that your order is insured.
- All methods of shipping, including any expedited shipping methods or Ground shipping methods, are calculated as business days only.
- Some items may take longer to process and ship.
- After your order has shipped, you will receive an email confirmation with your UPS/FedEx tracking number if the item has shipped via these parcel carriers once this information is available to us. If your item has shipped via USPS, please feel free to give us a call to obtain your delivery confirmation number.
- Please contact us for further information concerning delivery dates and transit time.
Since we use UPS for most of our shipments, we cannot accept orders with a P.O. Box, APO, or FPO address. Please use your physical mailing address at checkout. We only accept orders with a United States billing and shipping address. We currently cannot ship to Canada, Mexico, U.S. territories, or other international locations. Please use a United States billing and shipping address for your order to be accepted.
To calculate your shipping cost, please select the item(s) you wish to purchase by adding them to the cart. Proceed to the checkout area of your shopping cart and enter you billing and shipping information. Once you proceed to the next page, each shipping method will display the cost for your order.
Sales Tax
There is no sales tax collected for any orders shipped outside of Florida. Because we are located in Florida, we collect sales tax on all orders shipped inside of Florida.
PLEASE NOTE: Free shipping (available on certain products) is only available in the continental United States. Hawaii and Alaska customers may incur additional shipping charges and will be notified before the order is processed. Please contact us for a custom shipping quote.